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Career as Entertainment Manager

Stream : Business Management, Economics & Accounting,Media, Film & Mass communication
Sub Stream : Management,Event management

Entertainment Manager
Managing performances, events, artistes and entertainers is the responsibility of an Entertainment Manager. These professionals work extensively throughout the world. 



An Entertainment Manager/ Officer differs from company to company, sector to sector but some of basic tasks required to performed are as follows: 

  • thinking up new ideas for events and gathering information on events or attractions in other parts of the country;
  • attending meetings with other council officers to discuss ideas and make decisions on which ones to take forward;
  • turning those ideas into strategic plans and, eventually, a programme of events;
  • liaising with neighbouring authorities to avoid duplication of events;
  • applying for grants, funding or sponsorship;
  • making decisions on how to use available funds most effectively and closely monitoring budgets;
  • deciding on venues and liaising with venue managers;
  • co-ordinating all the people involved in putting an event together;
  • booking artists and performers and negotiating their fees;
  • writing press releases and/or marketing materials, or liaising with marketing departments;
  • dealing with the media to ensure that events are well promoted;
  • arranging photo opportunities;
  • evaluating the success of events and writing and presenting reports.


While looking for a job, we search about the responsibilities, scope, qualification etc required for a particular. But we often forget the most important factors  i.e career interest, Aptitude and personality, needed to be considered, while applying for a job. 

Some of the basic aptitude, personality and interest required to succeed in this career are-






  • Good business acumen which as an employment officer you must be involved in activities which is profitable from business point of view.




  • Entertainment Manager are extremely easy to replace. You won't be there long if you're late, lazy, or hard to manage.


  • No one likes to have to repeat themselves, so be on your toes at all times and listen intently to whatever directions you're given. 







  • As you know this is not a 9 to 5 job, it will have long working longs. So to Survive in this industry you be someone who is accommodating and not easily annoyed and also cooperative and respectful.


  • Also gaining success in this field takes time, So you need to be someone who has patience, if you're good at what you do, someone will notice



Although there are no set entry requirements for this job, there are several degree specializations that are very helpful in getting a job as an Entertainment officer These include:-
•    Event Management 
•    Hospitality 
•    Business 
•    Management 
•    Marketing 
•    Public Relations 
•    Communication 
•    Event Planning 
Persons with experience working in Journalism, Communications, Liberal Arts, Business and Public Relations are able to transfer their skills readily becoming competent professionals.

They can find job in following sectors-

- Media & Environment industry. 

- Sports 

- E-commerce

- Cruise ships

- Hospitality sector

- Event management companies

- Film & Television industry etc.

To keep exploring, head on to our page on career banks and blogs on different careers, entrance exams, coursescollegesjobs, etc.

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